February 15, 2017

Get Funked

Lawyer TV advertising tends to go one of two ways–the righteous “we’ll stand up for you” sort of ad or the more shouty variety.  Of course, there’s always a third strain that shoots for the more dramatic.  (I seriously want to send this guy a fan letter.)

But what happens when you’ve got one of those names that is just plain memorable?  Since, in many places, law firms are required to name themselves with the names of their principals and nothing else (Disciplinary Rule 7.01 makes sure we stay vanilla in Texas), there’s a temptation to make use of that name as best you can.  “Legal Studs, P.C.” or “Butt Kicking, Inc.” are out of the question (no matter how good business may be).  And it is thus that one arrives at the law offices of Dale Funk and Associates and its catchphrase “Funk ‘Em!

Credit to Funk for working what he’s got, but would a George Clinton reference have been out of place?  (Okay, maybe so.)

It reminded me of one of our local lawyers, Eric Dick, who had a similar notion and went–if it’s possible–a bit earthier.  You see, a lot of people have a notion as to what lawyers are like, and with Mr. Dick’s last name . . . well, put one and one together and you pretty much get the picture:

I’m not sure there’s a way for a lawyer to advertise on television that won’t offend someone’s sensibilities.  “Humorous” can become “trivializing” when you are talking about life-changing events, and I fully recognize the risk I run with my own approach to advertising on this site.  I think the best approach is a mild one, though that obviously isn’t shared by all my colleagues.  Whatever you do, you’d best have the chops to back it up.  Saying it is one thing.  Doing it is another.

That said, explosions are cool:

H/T to Above the Law.